Stainless steel bolt with nano cache

Stainless steel bolt with nano cache
Stainless steel bolt with nano cache Stainless steel bolt with nano cache Stainless steel bolt with nano cache Stainless steel bolt with nano cache
Brand: NE Geocaching Supplies
Product Code: 1050
Availability: In Stock
Price: £3.99
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Stainless steel bolt with nano cache:

Not just an ordinary bolt - this one has got a little secret!

On the end of this bolt is a nano magnetic cache, and to make sure the nano isn't lost we've glued and shrink wrapped the nano to the end of the bolt.

Simply drill a 13mm hole and insert the cache; it's as simple as that!

Includes washer to make the whole cache more realistic.

Size: (Approximate) Length 72mm x diameter 12mm. Bolt head diameter 20mm.

Replacement RITR logs for the items? Please click HERE & select nano.

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