5ml Screw top container (clear / transparent) - SET OF FOUR CONTAINERS

5ml Screw top container (clear / transparent) - SET OF FOUR CONTAINERS
Brand: NE Geocaching Supplies
Product Code: 1001
Availability: In Stock
Price: £0.99
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5ml Screw top container (clear / transparent) - SET OF FOUR CONTAINERS

4 x high quality clear screw top containers. Can be hidden on their own or as an inner container in a cache hide.

Size: 17mm (height) x 31mm (diameter).

Ideal container for a 20mm x 10mm. 5mm or 3mm thick (Rectangular-with hole) Neodymium magnet which can be easily glued to the base.

Please click the image below to be taken to our Neodymium magnet range where you can purchase as many Neodymium magnet as you require.

We recommend either our Superglue or Gorilla glue to adhere the magnets to the inside of containers.

These units have a very tight screw top but no rubber seal we therefore suggest they are not place where the container is permanently underwater or subject to the full force of the weather.

These containers are suitable for our Nano and Micro RITR logs.

NEGS tip: Sand bottom flat and place self adhesive magnet inside

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